Schola 360 – Schola Maria Sports School in Hyderabad
At Schola Maria, our focus is on the all-round development of our student-athletes.
Apart from the carefully planned balance of academics and sports, we ensure that the fundamentals for long-term success are an integral part of the experience, through the Schola 360 program.

Our student-athletes are provided with a detailed and individualised nutrition program to meet their energy and health requirements. The program educates and provides our athletes with the right tools so that they are always ready for high-level competition.

Physical Fitness
Speed. Agility. Endurance. Resilience. Every student-athlete at Schola benefits from the intensive fitness program that is tailored for their sport and body type. A world-class gymnasium and the guidance of physical trainers ensure that every student-athlete is in top physical form.

Mental Strength
Mental fortitude and focus are extremely important for an athlete to compete and succeed. Our Mental Strength development program helps our students to develop a champion’s mindset and equips them with confidence, focus, discipline, determination and the ability to bounce back quickly.

Life Skills
In keeping with our motto “Learning for life”, the program at Schola Maria, is holistic to the point of equipping our student-athletes for success both on the field and beyond. With a firm belief that our students will be looked up to in the future, we ensure that we instill in them the skills, character and value systems that will enable them to be positive role models – anywhere in the world.